

Hi there— I’m Sarah Chocron, a design developer with a background in human-centered research. With roots in both Montreal, Canada, and Wichita, KS, I find myself as a rising senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill pursuing a double degree in information science (B.S.I.S.) with a concentration in human computer interaction and history (B.A.) under the Morehead Cain Scholarship. With an academic and professional background in human-centered research methods, I have been emboldened to design interfaces that tell compelling stories- designed with users at the forefront. I have designed digital products for a variety of clients among different sectors and am keenly interested in reshaping the usability landscape of cultural institutions.

Beyond academics at UNC, I am an undergraduate teaching assistant and Outreach Lead for Introduction to Programming and Data Science (COMP110) in the Department of Computer Science and a UX/UI Trainee for App Team Carolina. You can also find me discovering local coffee shops in Carrboro or tap dancing with my college dance company.

I can’t wait to be a part of your next project!

Experience & Skills

Throughout my college career, I have completed several notable projects and internships most notably, for Vanguard redesigning their roboadvisor for users new to investing, as a web developer for Turner Carroll Galleries, and as a system analyst and as a freelance UX designer. To read more about my experiences, please download my resume.

  • My client-facing experience as a web developer actually goes back to 2018 when I began my freelance business. Today, I have clients in Kansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, and even Canada. To view my work, please visit the Portfolio page.

  • While my main focus is interface design based in AdobeXD or Figma, I also enjoy front-end development and even have had experience in database design. I am well-versed in python, html/css, javascript, Wix DevTools, wordpress, and SQL.