Community Center + Synagogue Website Redesign

2021-2022, Freelance

A mobile and desktop website redesign featuring a secure member-only section

I was hired by Ahavath Achim Congregation (AAC) and the Wichita Jewish Community Center (WJCC) to redesign their website which had previously been constructed in the early 2000’s. The transformation of this website took place after several month of meeting with community members about their vision, needs, and wants for this website. A guiding question for this project was…

How do we optimize features and the information hierarchy of this redesign for the needs of the older members and young families who make up this community?

The Brief

This website was done as a part of my freelance work. The project was created in Wix and used Wix Developer tools for more customized elements at request of the client. In addition, I also aided in the content writing for this site. An important focus for this site was the accessibility and ease of use particularly for older members of the community who would regularly use the site. Another important facet of my work was in SEO development for the site in its first few months post launch. Please note, that this site is not currently under my management/maintenance.

timeframe: December 2021 - April 2022

The Context

The Ahavath Achim Congregation website is aimed to provide the public with important information about the congregation while maintaining the safety and privacy of the community. Likewise, it was important for the site to serve members of the community by having a members-only section, a donation portal, and up-to-date information regarding service times and classes.

The Objective


What accessibility features (e.g., larger text size, high-contrast color schemes, text-to-speech functionality) would be most helpful for older adults navigating the website?

What kind of information is most important for older members? How can this content be prioritized and presented in a clear and concise way?

What aspects of the AAC and WJCC offerings would be most valuable to young families (e.g., preschool programs, family events, social gatherings)? How can this information be highlighted to attract their attention?


Listening sessions (focus groups)

User personas

Card sort, structure testing

User testing (post-test)

*due to privacy reasons, the research findings for this project cannot be provided


Final Product